Scientifically validated assessments for measuring and managing talentselection, leadership development, coaching, team alignment and succession planning.

Hogan Assessment Systems
World renowned as the premier authority in personality assessment, Hogan has set the global standard for predicting job performance for over three decades, building on a reputation of innovative leadership in providing scientifically-based personality assessment solutions for business and industry. Hogan research is widely credited with demonstrating how personality factors influence organizational effectiveness, and that personality testing effectively predicts job performance.
Hogan’s assessments and reports represent an integrated system of solutions that are specifically designed to help you to better manage your human resource capital and retain top talent. Their core assessments provide strategic self-awareness by measuring normal personality characteristics, career derailment risks, core value drivers, cognitive style, and decision-making ability.

TTI Success Insights
TTI Success Insights is the world’s leading source for research-based, validated assessment and coaching tools that enable organizations to effectively meet their talent management needs and transform potential into productivity, performance and profits. For over 30 years, using patented solutions and products the company has researched and applied social and brain science, creating behavioral assessments used all over the world to hire, develop and retain the best talent.
The TriMetrix HD provides a 55-point analysis that uncovers a person’s unique competencies. The TriMetrix HD examines the behaviors individuals bring to the job, the motivators/driving forces that drive them, the ability to demonstrate the competencies required by the job and whether they possess the acumen to perform in the job successfully.
The Stages of Growth X-Ray™ program is part of James Fischer’s overall 7 Stages of Growth research. It determines a company’s current stage of growth; critically assesses past, present and future to get CEOs focused on the right things at the right time; and identifies the hidden agents – defined as 27 Challenges – that are impacting the company’s ability to grow and develop a plan to solve those issues.

MHS Systems
For almost 20 years, organizations have trusted the science that underpins the EQ-i 2.0 to help improve human performance. Being the first scientifically validated measure of emotional intelligence (EI), coupled with research from premier organizations, means you can count on the EQ-i 2.0 to add robustness and accuracy to your talent management initiatives. Incorporating Emotional Intelligence as part of leadership coaching supports higher performance. When organizations incorporate Emotional Intelligence in leadership coaching, they are 36% more likely to report effective EI performance.
The EQ-i 2.0 measures the interaction between a person and the environment he/she operates in. Assessing and evaluating an individual’s emotional intelligence can help establish the need for targeted development programs. This, in turn, can lead to dramatic increases in the person’s performance, interaction with others, and leadership potential. The development potentials the EQ-i 2.0 identifies, along with the targeted strategies it provides, make it a highly effective employee development tool.

With 90% of Fortune 1000 companies regularly participating in some form of 360, one area that consistently returns positive results for leadership development is 360 feedback.
For leaders to perform at their highest potential, successful organizations consistently turn to feedback tools. 360 feedback assessments measure a variety of leadership competencies that can include decision making, being assertive with ideas, communicating more clearly, and clarifying goals and objectives. The most reliable tool for collecting feedback is 360 feedback assessments. Unlike traditional reviews and feedback, 360 feedback evaluates job performance based on confidential responses from, peers, direct reports, and other stakeholders. Since the opinions are voiced anonymously, it encourages a higher level of honesty.
Gaining a deeper understanding of how others perceive your leadership or management behaviors starts with a carefully selected assessment that is optimized for the role and what you want to measure. TruScore has four decades of experience in 360 degree feedback with research based, role-specific assessments and data to benchmark against thousands of others. We will guide you through the critical process of selecting the right assessment so you have the peace of mind that the 360 degree feedback solution for your organization will have a solid foundation.

Axiometrics® International
The Axiometrics Value Profile does not ask respondents to tell how they think; it asks them to actually think, to make minute decisions by rank-ordering several items; then tracks the pattern of their thinking with the astounding accuracy of Axiometrics. Based on the Hartman Value Profile, it measures competence quickly, easily and accurately and provides data which is objective, quantitative and universally applicable.
The assessment measures an individual’s performance potential while providing an accurate picture of their development needs. Built upon the ground-breaking work of Nobel nominee Robert S. Hartman, Axiometrics is a mathematics-based process for capturing clearly and precisely one’s thinking and decision-making process.